



·         - Program

·         - Scientific Argument

·         Call for posters (deadline: May, 20– acceptance notifications will be given as submissions will be received)

·         Venue

Memory and Subjectivity

A philosophy/psychology conference


Grenoble (France), June, 9-11, 2016

The workshop will be held in Grenoble, France, on the 9th, 10 th and 11th of June, 2016. The main goal of this meeting is to allow a fruitful discussion between philosophers and psychologists on the topic of the relation between memory and subjectivity. The meeting consists of invited lectures and poster sessions. 

Organizing committee:
Laboratoire Philosophie: Pratiques et Langages: Denis Perrin
Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition : Chris Moulin, Stéphane Rousset



 Memory And Sujectivity 2016 Grenoble


