on the English homepage of the Art,
Science and Technology (AST)
Master’s Degree This Master Degree's is a specialty of
the Master "Ingénierie
de la Cognition, de la Création et des Apprentissages – IC2A"
This English page provides a
summary of the data available on the Master ICA French
web pages. Please, refer the these French web pages for details. The content of this page is as
BEFORE JULY 9th, 2010 (1st session)
To apply to the AST Master's Degrees, please visit this page. The application form is in French; do not hesitate to contact us for any question (adresses follow).
Digital technologies and computer
science introduced powerful practical and conceptual tools for the
They opened up new dimensions to explore in the nature and contents of artistic objects (music, video, multimedia), and in the creation process itself. This evolution implies new kinds of researches and developments that seamlessly integrate scientific and artistic aspects. The AST Master’s Degree is a 1-year course hosted by the Phelma School of Grenoble Institute of Technology in Grenoble, France. The Master is open to students holding a degree in engineering sciences (Computer Science, Signal Processing, Automatic Control Engineering, Cognitive Sciences, Physics, Modelling and Simulation, Acoustics, Computer Graphics, …). It proposes a pluridisciplinary training in conceptual and technical aspects of digital technologies for sound and music creation, dynamic visual arts and multisensorial interactivity. The course includes:
Having an artistic activity is
appreciated, but not necessary.
Teaching are mainly in French.
The AST Programme includes a 4 to
6 months (full time) training period in a research team, starting in February (second semester)
During the first semester, each student chooses a subject among the list proposed by the partners of the Master’s Degree. During the training, the student integrates the research team and works in the context of its projects, in close collaboration with Ph.D. students and researchers. His work is directed by a member of the team and monitored by one of the teachers of the Master. The role of this teacher is to make sure that the student’s project goes well at the practical and scientific level. At the end of the training period, the student writes a dissertation (around 40 pages), which describes his project, the state of the art in the concerned domain, and clearly states his contribution. This work is evaluated during a public Master’s Thesis Defense. The defense committee is composed of the Heads of the Master, the director of the training period, and invited members. ECTS credits: 27
Claude Cadoz
ACROE-ICA Grenoble INP, 46 Av. Félix Viallet 38000 - Grenoble 04 76 57 46 61 Claude.Cadoz@imag.fr
Ophélie Pereyra
Service : SCOLARITE MASTERS Bâtiment : PHELMA - Bureau M419 Tel : 04 56 52 92 17 Ophelie.Pereyra@phelma.grenoble-inp.fr Fax : 04 56 52 91 03
The French webpages of
the AST Master's Degrees hosts more data, including courses'
description, a list of the past Training Periods, maps and directions,
You can also contact the Secretary or Director of Studies for any question.